Global LiuHua / LiuHua Activity / Fashion festival demonstrates Guangzhou's garment industry

Fashion festival demonstrates Guangzhou's garment industry


The 2023 China Liuhua International Fashion Festival (Spring&Summer) is underway in Guangzhou from now till the end of May. The festival showcases export clothing, the business environment for the clothing industry, and wholesale clothing markets in both Yuexiu and Liwan districts.

There are a series of events, including purchasing meetings, new product release conferences, industry policy seminars, and shopping events.


The opening ceremony of the festival was held on May 19, attended by over 170 representatives from local government departments, foreign chambers of commerce, clothing wholesale markets, clothing companies, and media outlets. Three fashion shows themed "Vibrant Africa," "Mysterious Middle East," and "Passionate South America" were held at the opening ceremony.


At the opening ceremony, representatives from Vietnam, Uganda, Sri Lanka, and Ecuador joined the Guangzhou Liuhua Global Import Boutique Hall project, which aims to showcase unique goods from various countries, building a cross-border trade bridge and cultural bond. Meanwhile, this project has been supported by consulates of various countries in Guangzhou.


The Liuhua Fashion Wholesale Buying Season is also being held in the same period. A dozen wholesale markets are launching visits for foreign businessmen, consuls and influencers, cross-border live streaming events, and so on. Merchants and representatives of chambers of commerce from Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Uganda, Sri Lanka, and Ecuador paid field visits to the Liuhua area to learn more about the export of clothing and the foreign trade market.


The China Liuhua International Fashion Festival has witnessed the 30 years of development of the Liuhua business circle and brought Chinese fashion to the world.

China is one of the world's largest textile production, consumption and export countries, and Guangdong accounts for nearly 20% of the country's textile and garment export volume. According to relevant statistics from the Guangdong branch of the General Administration of Customs, Guangdong exported 17.22 billion RMB of clothing and clothing accessories in March, a year-on-year increase of 54.7%.

As a centre of textile and garment development, Guangzhou is in a leading position in terms of market transaction volume, radiation range, and distribution capacity, among which the professional markets play a very important role. The Liuhua region is home to the largest foreign trade clothing distribution centre in South China. It has more than 10 large-scale professional foreign trade clothing markets, such as Guangzhou Liuhua Fashion Wholesale Market and Xindadi Fashion Plaza, and its products have been exported to more than 100 countries around the world.



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